our values
Welcome to NECTAR. Prior to completing the application for employment, please understand that we are serious about creating a productive working environment for our staff and maintaining the highest levels of quality, service, and attention for our guests.
We want you to understand that we also believe in living our values, some of which are:
We believe in going above and beyond “good enough”.
We believe in doing business in a professional and orderly manner.
We believe in honesty and integrity.
We believe that only a happy and professional staff can give the level of personal service we demand.
We believe in the ongoing training and development of our staff, and see this as a worthy investment in the future of the company.
We believe in providing legendary service – the unique and powerful sort of personal care and attention that our guests tell stories about.
We believe that everyone is capable of being an A+ player with grit and hard work.
If this feels like a fitting environment for you, please fill out an application at the link below or call us at (610) 725-9000 with any questions.
the importance of having the right attitude:
“The longer I love, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church....a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.”
our hospitality mindset:
The following is an excerpt from At Your Service: A Hands-On Guide to the Professional Dining Room by John W. Fischer.
Because I teach hospitality, I spend a lot of time in class discussing the concept.
The H-word is used a lot at the school—perhaps a bit too much:
“We’re in the hospitality business”;
“Let’s show the guests some of our famous hospitality.”
Despite such constant use of the term, students often arrive not knowing exactly what it means. And it’s not all that easy to pin down: I can teach students the smallest details of fine table service, but the concept of hospitality extends beyond the mastery of such professional skills.
To help bring the concept to life, I begin with an example that draws upon the students’ own memories and emotions. I ask them to recall an extra-special gathering at their home—perhaps a holiday meal, friends from far away arriving for a joyous celebration, or Mom or Dad’s boss coming over for dinner. Most of the students have experienced such an occasion. Then I ask them what their house was like for the couple of days beforehand. They recount stories of long shopping lists and the back of the car filled with groceries. Cleaning took on a new dimension, perhaps requiring the use of nontraditional implements such as toothbrushes and Q-Tips, and the scent of Lemon Pledge hung in the air. Martial law reigned in the kitchen as parents prepared dishes that weren’t run-of-the-mill dinner fare. Then, the main event: taking guests’ coats at the door, remembering what everyone wanted to drink, carefully carving the turkey and arranging the meat on an enormous platter, and each member of the family hustling around the house to make sure that none of the guests wanted for anything. Every activity pertained to making the guests feel comfortable and welcome.
Recalling this, most students immediately understand, on an emotional level, what hospitality is all about. The joy of planning and executing a terrific party, of being a great host and participating in your guests’ delight, is one of the great pleasures in life. When students ask me what draws people into the restaurant business, this is what I tell them. And this, in fact, is the reason I teach hospitality for a living. What I learned in my family about treating guests well—especially from my mother, who is a master of the dinner party—is what spurred me onto this career path. At its best, when everything comes together, running a dining room feels like you’re giving the best dinner party ever. Trained cooks and a great chef send out delicious food; beautiful surroundings and the right music coax guests into an expansive mood; a professional, highly trained staff brings the guests whatever they need, ideally before they know they need it. In the dining room, we are presented with the opportunity to bring complete strangers into our warm, welcoming space and make them feel part of our family, so that they want to return over and over again.
So this is hospitality—inviting guests in and ensuring that we have done everything within our control to make them happy. This task is difficult enough for any person to carry out at home two or three times a year. The kicker is that we do it for a living every day. We are in the hospitality business. And making hospitality a business involves identifying those aspects of a fabulous special occasion at home that can and should be reproduced in the restaurant, and then reliably performing those actions whenever necessary.